The Colorado Firearm Injury Prevention Survey (COFIPS) is an anonymous, online questionnaire that provides comprehensive, Colorado-specific data and insight into the impact and prevention of firearm-involved harms in our state.

The COFIPS data tell a story of Coloradans’ diverse relationships and experiences with firearms, which can help guide efforts to prevent firearm-involved injuries and deaths in our homes and communities.

Using Data to Prevent Firearm Harms in Colorado​: Findings from the Inaugural Colorado Firearm Injury Prevention Survey

Date: January 16, 2024

Time: 12 PM MT

Webinar Recording

Presentation Slides

This webinar will present findings from the 2023 Colorado Firearm Injury Prevention Survey (COFIPS) and examine opportunities revealed by these findings in the areas of education and prevention of firearm-related harms in Colorado. COFIPS, which will be administered on an ongoing basis, collects state-representative data and can be used to monitor trends in Colorado and guide a range of statewide and local efforts to prevent injuries and deaths.